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Division of Public Affairs News

MPA Alumni Receive Outstanding Public Official Awards

Laura Breifer holding a clear ASPA award

Three University of Utah MPA alumni received 2024 "Outstanding Public Official Awards” from the Utah Chapter of ASPA. Senator Luz Escamilla was awarded in the Elected Official category. Laura Briefer was awarded in the Appointed Official category. Shirlee Draper and Cherish Families were awarded in the Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Utah category.

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Steve Nelson appointed to Third District Court

Steve Nelson appointed to Third District Court

Division adjunct faculty member Stephen Nelson, Ph.D. J.D., was appointed to the Third District Court judgeship in November 2023 by Governor Cox. Judge Nelson has taught for the University of Utah's Master of Public Administration (MPA) program since 2010, predominantly covering Administrative Theory or Public Administration and Law. We're proud to have Judge Nelson as a valued Division faculty member.

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Welcome New Division Faculty

Welcome New Division Faculty

Joins us in welcoming our new Division of Public Affairs faculty members! Dr. Jonathan Fisk joins us as an associate professor from the Master of Public Administration program at Auburn University. Dr. Ju Won Park joins us as a recent graduate of the University of Georgia.

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Welcome to the NEW Division of Public Affairs

Welcome to the NEW Division of Public Affairs

As of July 1, 2024, the University of Utah's Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Public Policy (MPP), and M.S. in International Affairs and Global Enterprise (MIAGE) became programs of a new, independent academic unit within the CSBS: the Division of Public Affairs. Division faculty include those who have transferred tenure and career-line appointments from the Department of Political Science, two new incoming faculty members, and a cadre of adjuncts that have taught for one of the programs in the past. Division staff include the talented team that ran the Programs of Public Affairs, with new additions.

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Last Updated: 7/10/24