Division of Public Affairs
For the common good.
At the Division of Public Affairs, we are driven to create a more prosperous and just society for all. Our community consists of award-winning faculty and staff, passionate students, and a vast network of accomplished public service alumni and allied stakeholders. We offer three professional graduate degrees aimed at fostering ethical, purpose-driven leaders for the public, nonprofit, and private sectors.
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Public affairs scholarship
for the common good.
Public affairs research and education cover a wide range of theories, methods, and skills. Our faculty's expertise includes everything from environmental policy to nonprofit services to human resources, and our student and alumni network spans federal, state, county, and municipal government offices, nonprofits, and private sector organizations. Throughout all runs a genuine desire to improve the opportunities and conditions facing us all.

Congratulations to Professor Chris Simon for Groundbreaking Research on Immigrant Military Recruitment
Professor Christopher Simon's research on immigrant willingness to serve in the military has been featured in @theU
New Study Highlights Immigrant Willingness to Serve in U.S. and Canadian Militaries
New study by Division of Public Affairs Faculty, Professor Chris Simon Highlights Immigrant Willingness to Serve in U.S. and Canadian Militaries
Executive MPA Graduate from Hainan, China Visits Salt Lake City
On July 12, Mr. Xi Jinsong, a graduate of the UofU’s Executive MPA Program in 2011, visited over a celebratory dinner in Salt Lake City with former Professors Rick Green and Steve Ott and colleagues from his days here at the UofU. He stopped in Salt Lake City on his return to Haikou, Hainan from meetings in Washington, DC. Xi Jinsong reminisced with the others about his many wonderful experiences during his 18 months here and the impact the MPA experience has had on his career.
JaTara Greenidge Named to Prestigious Black Diaspora Knowledge Community Stellar 50
Congratulations to MPA Program Director JaTara Greenidge on being named to the NASPA Black Diaspora Knowledge Community Stellar 50
Mar 25
10am - 2pmGraduation Extravaganza
Alumni House - Eccles (ALUMNI)
Apr 02
10:30am - 11:30amUniversity Day of Kindness
Gardner Commons - Carolyn and Kem (GC)
Apr 17
3pm - 5pmMary Lowe Lecture
Alumni House - Eccles (ALUMNI)
Apr 23
1pm - 3pm2025 CSBS Student Research Day
Gardner Commons - Carolyn and Kem (GC)
May 01
11am - 12:30pmCSBS Graduate Convocation
Kingsbury Hall - Joseph T. (KH)